Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our little crawler

One thing I forgot to add was that she crawled for the first time on sat Sept 6th. Unfortunately I was at work of course, but when it happened Mom-mom and Pop-pop Pencer just walked in the door that day to witness this great milestone. So her little crawl here & there has developed into a all out scurry to get into everything she can get her hands on. So now our once furnished family room is bare, full of toys, and getting a baby proof overhaul. Our little explorer is really getting around,keeping mommy & daddy one their toes, but we wouldn't have it any other way. It's crazy to think she will be One in two months and two days. Crazy!! Well we hope everyone is well and Arlette, Yes she does look so much like Scott. Next year it's going to be great that Addison will be able to play and run around with all of the kids. We cannot wait it's going to be alot of fun.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well Dallas Cowboys palyed the Philadelphia Eagles on monday nite but as you all may know they lost. It was a good game and Addison wore her Eagles shirt in hopes to help with a win but to also to support pop-pop.
And here she is again sitting in her car seat , she loves her Elmo book and I think it so cute how she looks like she is really reading it.
Ok so the pics below and above are just random pics from August, September, and Addison's new car seat for mommies car. Although we have not installed it yet, we plan to soon. She goes for her check up this Friday, although she will be 10 mos, she will be getting her 9 mos check up alittle bit later, so we will see how tall she is and how much she weighs. We are guessing around 19-20 lbs. She is really developing a such a little personality. She's also getting so big, but thinning out too. Although we are still having issues getting her to eat anything that's real thick or has chunks of anything what so ever in it. She's so funny, she just looks at you and gags. Well we will keep trying.

This is a old pic but it's one of my favorites

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Old beach pics

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Daddy and his baby girl at the beach

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